Title: A1 Sitemap Generator - Create Website XML Sitemaps
Developer: Youtube.com
Category: A1 Sitemap Generator
Video Rating: 3 / 5
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Shows how to scan your website and create a Yahoo/Google XML sitemap for it. Highlights all the important website scanning options and a brief view of data analysis and sitemap creation options (XML, RSS, HTML, text etc.)
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Alltho sitemap.xml is now a standard we shouldn't disregard natural indexing. Because most of the online sitemap generators do not allow more than 500-1000 URLs in the fitemap (for free) I've made my own online sitemap generator which allows up to 20.000 URLs and it's free of charge. You can find it at: sitemap-xml [dot] net
RépondreSupprimerStreet! ;-)
RépondreSupprimerthx for good lesson