Title: Free PDF Converter - How to convert a document into a PDF using Word 2007
Developer: Youtube.com
Category: Free PDF to Word Doc Converter
Video Rating: 5 / 5
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salesandonlinemarketing.com Most people don't realize they own a free PDF converter. Anyone who has Microsoft Word 2007 or better can create a PDF with just a few simple clicks. Here's a short video showing how to convert a word document into a PDF. You'll see how easy it is to create a free report or ebook! Go to www.salesandonlinemarketing.com to subscribe to our video training library and receive our free ebook (made with Word 2007!) called, The Empowered Business Sales Conversion Formula. Enjoy! Also... subscribe to our channel and Friend us after you give us a thumbs up!! Thanks
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thank you!!! :D
RépondreSupprimerGreat video Lisa!! Quick and to the point!! If you know more things about microsoft please share them!! Thanks for your video!!
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RépondreSupprimerHmmm.. I bet you could get a programmer to install the code you need to collect that info, then PDF the document. It sure would be a nice 'added touch". Let me know what you find out.
RépondreSupprimerYou can also PDF PowerPoint presentations so if you're going to upgrade to Word 2007 make sure you upgrade PowerPoint, too!
Great video. I did not know Word offered this either. I have been using Quark Express, a page design program, for at least 20 years. But each time they upgrade it, it's get way more complicated and cumbersome-- I'm over it. So I can going to really learn how to use MS Word 2007 now.
RépondreSupprimerCool video, I gave it a thumbs up. I didn't know Word offerred this. If I wanted to create custom PDF's for people based on some simple variable that occurs throughout the document such as their name, whether I could do that with Word and/or Excel or do I need some other software? I'd like people to be able to provide the basic data and receive a PDF that's customized based on their input.