Title: Google Chrome Snooki's Baby Commercial
Developer: Youtube.com
Category: Google Chrome
Video Rating: 4 / 5
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Télécharger Google Chrome: Jamal Edwards shareware, logiciel freeware et démo pour PC, Mac, Linux, et de poche classés en catégories, ainsi que des critiques de logiciels.
Title: Google Chrome: Jamal Edwards
Developer: Youtube.com
Category: Google Chrome
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Nous avons des centaines de tutoriels en ligne dans un large éventail de sujets.
A teenager from London uses the web to turn his hobby into a media empire. This film tracks the rise of Jamal Edwards and the emergence of SB.TV as one of the UK's leading youth broadcasters. From filming his friends in car parks to interviewing some of the world's biggest stars, we see how Jamal used the web to achieve his dreams. Music by: Wretch 32 Song: "Traktor" - youtu.be Label: Ministry of Sound Download Chrome: google.com/chrome
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Si vous avez aimé ce post (( Google Chrome: Jamal Edwards )) et pense que d'autres peuvent aussi l'aime, alors s'il vous plaît considérer comme retweeter ou le partager sur Google +, sur Facebook ou sur LinkedIn. Merci.
What does yes mean?
RépondreSupprimer@nnancy886 no one fucking cares shut the hell up
RépondreSupprimerYou. are. so. fucking. lucky.
RépondreSupprimerThree Best things in the World for me now:]:]:]:]:]:]:]
RépondreSupprimer1. Jason------My boyfriend!
2. 66Cheap. com--the Cheapest Shopping site!
3. the video above---- the most ironical and interesting video I think:]:]:]:]:]:]:]:]:]
Three Best things in the World for me now:]:]:]:]:]:]:]
RépondreSupprimer1. Jason------My boyfriend!
2. 66Cheap. com--the Cheapest Shopping site!
3. the video above---- the most ironical and interesting video I think:]:]:]:]:]:]:]:]:]
RépondreSupprimerThree Best things in the World for me now:]:]:]:]:]:]:]
RépondreSupprimer1. Jason------My boyfriend!
2. 66Cheap. com--the Cheapest Shopping site!
3. the video above---- the most ironical and interesting video I think:]:]:]:]:]:]:]:]:]
Three Best things in the World for me now:]:]:]:]:]:]:]
RépondreSupprimer1. Jason------My boyfriend!
2. 66Cheap. com--the Cheapest Shopping site!
3. the video above---- the most ironical and interesting video I think:]:]:]:]:]:]:]:]:]
RépondreSupprimerHey If this comment can get
1 like I will throw a bottle at my teacher
5 likes I will throw frappe at my teacher
25 likes I will throw a bowl of dirt at my teacher
30 likes I will throw a pack of bacon at my teacher
50 likes I will throw a pink dildo at my teacher
Have a friend record a video of me doing it, and upload the video if I get it...
I threw a pancake at my teacher, and filmed it last month. So I will come through with a video =)
Three Best things in the World for me now:]:]:]:]:]:]:]
RépondreSupprimer1. Jason------My boyfriend!
2. 66Cheap. com--the Cheapest Shopping site!
3. the video above---- the most ironical and interesting video I think:]:]:]:]:]:]:]:]:]
Three Best things in the World for me now:]:]:]:]:]:]:]
RépondreSupprimer1. Jason------My boyfriend!
2. 66Cheap. com--the Cheapest Shopping site!
3. the video above---- the most ironical and interesting video I think:]:]:]:]:]:]:]:]:]
A disgusting creature, last of its kind and it hales from the f*cked up sectors we know as
RépondreSupprimer"Jersey". And know its offspring are hatching.
Three Best things in the World for me now:]:]:]:]:]:]:]
RépondreSupprimer1. Jason------My boyfriend!
2. 66Cheap. com--the Cheapest Shopping site!
3. the video above---- the most ironical and interesting video I think:]:]:]:]:]:]:]:]:]
a fat alcoholic Italian whore
RépondreSupprimerThree Best things in the World for me now:]:]:]:]:]:]:]
RépondreSupprimer1. Jason------My boyfriend!
2. 66Cheap. com--the Cheapest Shopping site!
3. the video above---- the most ironical and interesting video I think:]:]:]:]:]:]:]:]:]
Lovin it
RépondreSupprimerHAHAHAHAHAAH funny
watch a show called Jersey shore and you will get it all. Oh and Snookie wrote a book about being Snookie, buy it
RépondreSupprimerThe person who looks like orange paint spilled on a white carpet.
RépondreSupprimerThree Best things in the World for me now:]:]:]:]:]:]:]
RépondreSupprimer1. Jason------My boyfriend!
2. 66Cheap. com--the Cheapest Shopping site!
3. the video above---- the most ironical and interesting video I think:]:]:]:]:]:]:]:]:]
Three Best things in the World for me now:]:]:]:]:]:]:]
RépondreSupprimer1. Jason------My boyfriend!
2. 66Cheap. com--the Cheapest Shopping site!
3. the video above---- the most ironical and interesting video I think:]:]:]:]:]:]:]:]:]
Heh. Hah... HAHahaha
RépondreSupprimerFuck Off!!
RépondreSupprimerTraktor by Wretch 32... the link is in the description.
RépondreSupprimerJamal Edwards account.
Pause 0:22 The YouTube video that was supposedly uploaded was fake. The comment was posted by dan_brophy - and you can't have spaces in your username... so yeah xD
RépondreSupprimer@1:16 Sheeran... Ed?
RépondreSupprimerfuck off edwards
RépondreSupprimerYou made it Jamal!
RépondreSupprimerNo man,
I'm just getting started
sick fam love it
RépondreSupprimerSBTV maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
RépondreSupprimerWretch 32 - Traktor , its in the description :L
RépondreSupprimerwhats the song to this?:Lx
RépondreSupprimer@0:35....is that apl.de?
RépondreSupprimerso true lol
RépondreSupprimerwat song
RépondreSupprimerSuch an inspiring video!
RépondreSupprimerWell good luck with that.
RépondreSupprimerBecause getting viral on the internet is totally that easy
whats song
I know I never skip this one. Makes me feel good and love the song! :)
RépondreSupprimerWretch 32, Traktor :)
RépondreSupprimerToo bad the music's shit and google chrome is nothing like this.
RépondreSupprimersong at 1:10 what is it??????
RépondreSupprimerinit, Google Chrome wasn't even invented when Jamal started SBTV haha