Title: How to Port Forward with Utorrent.
Developer: Youtube.com
Category: µTorrent
Video Rating: 5 / 5
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Télécharger how to speed up utorrent 3.1.2 shareware, logiciel freeware et démo pour PC, Mac, Linux, et de poche classés en catégories, ainsi que des critiques de logiciels.
Title: how to speed up utorrent 3.1.2
Developer: Youtube.com
Category: µTorrent
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Nous avons des centaines de tutoriels en ligne dans un large éventail de sujets.
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Si vous avez aimé ce post (( how to speed up utorrent 3.1.2 )) et pense que d'autres peuvent aussi l'aime, alors s'il vous plaît considérer comme retweeter ou le partager sur Google +, sur Facebook ou sur LinkedIn. Merci.
Some people are unable to forward like that, This is an alternative route.
you cant portforward with utorrent wtf is this. u must open command prompt and enter ipconfig then enter ur default gateway on ur web bar. then u forward ur ports at ur booter.
RépondreSupprimerRuffneck bass*
RépondreSupprimerI am ready for the rough think bass
Dont change your BT connect speed!
RépondreSupprimerare you russian
RépondreSupprimerfrom 0.1kbps to 30kbps. not bad, but i wished it would go higher, but still it's an improvement for me thanks ^_^
i went from 700kbps to 250?
RépondreSupprimerCheat engine let you think it's better. But it's not. It just changes the numbers, not its value.
RépondreSupprimerLook at my channel for an alternative.
First comment I've ever left on Youtube. Brilliant, informative video. Went from 25kb/s to well over 1mb. Thank you!
RépondreSupprimerthank u :)
RépondreSupprimerhe copied someone esle
RépondreSupprimerthanks man because of you i will maybie play this game today
RépondreSupprimeremm i dont no then cause my utorrent is just 400 kb/s so it just stopped working for me
RépondreSupprimerpaka ...if the speed really 1.9mb/s ..ur dile will be downloded in 3 munite because he is just 124 mbt
RépondreSupprimerhello dude em that happened to me aswell what i did was uninstall utorrent then i waited a hour and reinstalled it and the restarted my computer then i worked try that :)
RépondreSupprimerhey man. My utorrent won't let me apply those changes. Like literally i cant hit the apply button after making those changes in advanced preferences. whats the deal?
RépondreSupprimerthanks mate, worked great for me
RépondreSupprimerfucking cheater i saw this same configuration in oder video!